Internal Communication Channel

In compliance with Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory infractions and the fight against corruption, Hohner Automation makes an Internal Communication Channel available to you.

This is an internal information system that allows you to report, in a confidential and agile manner, irregularities that you may notice in the development of your professional activity, and that may involve violations of the legal and/or internal regulations of the Institution. Legal regulations are understood as sets of codes, policies, procedures, instructions, protocols, regulations and manuals, among others, with the highest standard being compliance with the Hohner Automation Code of Ethics.

Communications can be presented in nominative form, that is, with identification of the interested person, or anonymously. Hohner Automation and the people responsible for managing this channel will in any case adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality and protection of your personal data.